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Will clorox kill roots in a sewer line?

In most cases
In some cases
Not sure
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Question: Will clorox kill roots in a sewer line?
Top Answer (41% of 17 votes): Never.

Answer: Never
Explanation: It is not a root killer.
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: I'm not a big believer in this method. There are products that we offer that will keep roots out for up to one year.
SDL Plumbing Inc.
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Any kind of root treatment such as clorox or rootX or any number of other products, is only a stop gap solution and only delays the inevitable repair or replacement of the line.
Plumbing Zone, Inc.
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Bleach will kill any plant, however without a foaming action it will tend to stay in the bottom of the pipe and my not touch the roots and therefore wont kill them.
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